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Multiplication Match

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What is Multiplication Match

Multiplication Match™ is a fun and easy game for children to learn and practice their multiplication facts. We believe that motivation drives learning and most children are highly motivated when the word "game" is involved! Whether your child has just been introduced to multiplication or they have perfected their skills, they will love playing Multiplication Match™. There are two levels and an expansion pack. The expansion pack is used to combine levels one and two to practice all multiplication facts through 12. The game is played similarly to rummy. Players start with six cars and take turns drawing and discarding looking for matches (one match is two factors and a product, the factors multiply together to make a product.)​ 

Alternative Play Ideas For Multiplication Match

  1. Alternate play: Deal nine cards to each player and play until a player gets three matches.

  2. One player activity: Sort through the cards until you find four matching sets (one set is two factors that multiply to equal a product). Shuffle the four sets together. Place the cards face down individually to make a grid on the table or floor. Flip cards over three at a time looking for a matching set. If you find a matching set keep the cards face up, and if not, flip them over and try again.

  3. New learners- Subscribe to our email list to get our multiplication table worksheet for new learners to have next to them as they play along.

Fun Facts

​​Did you know that you are also learning division when you play Multiplication Match? The product card divided by one of the factor cards equals the other factor card.

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